ETHERNAL Gen. & Launch

Everything about Genesis Pools & Launch for $ETHERNAL.

Genesis Pools has ENDED!

Genesis pools will start earning rewards on 14.05.2022 14:00 UTC. In the first 24hrs of launch 40 $ETHERNAL tokens will be released to pool stakers. There will be 6 Genesis pools > $ETH, $SPOLAR, POLAR/NEAR LP, SPOLAR/NEAR LP, POLAR/stNEAR LP and TRIPOLAR/xTRI LP. These pools will be up for the whole 24hrs. Allocations will be as follows >

  • ETH > 50% Allocation > 20 $ETHERNAL

  • SPOLAR > 20% Allocation > 8 $ETHERNAL

  • POLAR/NEAR LP > 10% Allocation > 4 $ETHERNAL

  • SPOLAR/NEAR LP > 10% Allocation > 4 $ETHERNAL

  • POLAR/stNEAR > 5% Allocation > 2 $ETHERNAL

  • TRIPOLAR/xTRI > 5% Allocation > 2 $ETHERNAL

There will be 1% deposit fee on ETH pool , all the other pools WON'T have deposit fee. Deposit fee will go into the Protocol DAO, because our community demanded some anti-whale system for this Genesis. Every $ from deposit fee given to DAO will be used to build protocol owned liquidity for ETHERNAL/ETH pool, we will not take a single penny!


Total ETHERNAL tokens: 40

Earn and SUNRISE launch

New pool ETHERNAL/ETH will be added to Earn on 14.05.2022 16:00 UTC and you can start making ETHERNAL/ETH LP in Earn to earn $SPOLAR and stake $SPOLAR in SUNRISE to earn $POLAR, $TRIPOLAR or $ETHERNAL


1. What is $ETHERNAL?

$ETHERNAL is another algo. token which is going to be part of our Polaris Finance ecosystem. It will be pegged to 1 $ETH on Aurora blockchain and the concept is very same as $POLAR / $TRIPOLAR.

2. Wen genesis, Wen launch?!

Genesis pools will open on 14.05.2022 14:00 UTC and ETHERNAL/ETH LP will start 14.05.2022 16:00 UTC. Sunrise for $ETHERNAL will launch on 15.05.2022 14:00 UTC. Polaris team will seed initial liquidity for ETHERNAL/ETH. Exact amout will be private until deployment of the pool to avoid snipers.

3. If $ETHERNAL is another pegged token, will there be another token like $SPOLAR for it?

NO! Everything remains the same and that means we will just add $ETHERNAL Sunrise where you can stake your $SPOLAR to farm $ETHERNAL.

Last updated